Salone dei Pagamenti 2023
N&TS GROUP will be present as a Golden Sponsor at the Salone dei Pagamenti, the most important national event of reference on Payments and Innovation, created by ABI and ABIEventi.

Conference of the Innovative Payments Observatory of the Politecnico di Milano
N&TS GROUP is a sponsor at the Conference "Digital payments in Italy in 2023" of the Innovative Payments Observatory of the Politecnico di Milano.

In the Club Italia Newsletter we talk about N&TS GROUP
Since 2019 N&TS GROUP has been part of the Association that promotes the use of electronic payment systems in the mobility sector.

IGFS 3DS Server JCB and UPI
There is no innovation without security. N&TS GROUP once again confirms its commitment to guaranteeing security at 360 degrees. It has in fact successfully completed the JCB (J/Secure) and UPI certifications for its IGFS® 3DS Server solution.

Updated Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, and Terms and Conditions of Use for the Website
Discover recent transformations on our institutional website through the updated Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, and Terms and Conditions of Use. Delve into the changes we have implemented to ensure greater clarity, security, and transparency in our users' experience.

Netcomm Forum: “Future payments with less physical interaction: you can pay by showing biometric data”
Thus the N&TS GROUP general manager, Enrico Febelli, on the sidelines of the Netcomm Forum 2023, the reference event in the field of e-commerce and digital retail on the national and international scene, organized at MICO Milano Fiera Congressi.

N&TS GROUP “Made in Italy” excellence in innovative payments
Annalisa Casali of in a conversation with Elena Cossio, CEO of N&TS GROUP, to understand how the Customer Experience is changing (si puo usare anche transforming) in the payments sector and what are the most innovative trends that are reshaping the market scenario.

Netcomm Forum 2023
N&TS GROUP is happy to announce its participation in the Netcomm Forum on May 17th and 18th at the Allianz MiCo - Milano Convention Centre.

Club Italia and the digitization of mobility in Venice
Digital payments for innovative and sustainable smart mobility: we'll talk about it on May 9th in Venice in the Generali space of the Procuratie Vecchie.

2023 N&TS GROUP runs for AIRC
N&TS GROUP is alongside AIRC at the Milano Marathon 2023 which will take place on April 2nd 2023.

Final conference of the Innovative Payments Observatory
On March 7th 2023, we will be expecting you at the Politecnico di Milano, in Aula De Carli, Building B9, Campus Durando, to share perspectives on the future of payments.

Club Italia and the digitization of mobility
We look forward to seeing you on February 9th at the Roma Eventi Congress Center to talk about Mobility digitilization

2022 N&TS GROUP for Unicef
This year N&TS GROUP has chosen to wish you Happy Holidays in a special way, supporting UNICEF and Ukraine Campaign.

The thousand forms of new payments
From invisible cards to smart POS. At the Salone dei Pagamenti the technology of money transfers, between virtual devices and old systems, is already covered by future innovation. The protagonists of this epochal transition are partaking in a very engaging exchange.

Salone dei pagamenti
On the 23rd and 24th we are waiting for you at our stand for an aperitif at the end of the day!

Success stories at the Salone dei Pagamenti
Salone dei Pagamenti - 24 November 2022 at 11.00 am Sala Red 2. N&TS GROUP and FCA Bank to offer together cutting edge digital payment services.