

N&TS GROUP selects the best partners and the most advanced technologies to ensure integrated, innovative, secure and customized solutions based on the different needs of our clients.

Our partners

We build relationships of lasting trust with the realities with which we collaborate and that become part of our ecosystem.
Without a network of partnerships it is difficult to grow  and there are many reasons that bring us daily to create new ones, including the improvement of the end result that we can offer to our clients. We develop strategic partnerships to be able to build and offer increasingly extensive and specific services on the market, constantly ensuring their quality and safety.

Business Partner

Collaboration and partner support are key to the growth and success of N&TS GROUP. We work with high-profile companies to offer services related to the digitization process of businesses, choosing the most advanced skills to create a fluid and effective ecosystem. The best solutions are created by collaborating and for us, innovation also means creating synergies.

Technology Partner

Quality, solidity and specialization. For N&TS GROUP, technology partners represent a strategic resource of inestimable value because they support us in implementing and optimizing our IT systems. They also, above all us, allow us to complete and expand the range of solutions and services that we can offer to our clients across all fields. Avantgarde approaches, reliability and security are the polar stars that guide us every day in choosing the realities with which we are going to build a technological alliance.

Sector Associations

N&TS GROUP in its continuous path of growth and innovation has chosen to join the main associations operating in the e-payment sector with the sole objective of sharing, disseminating and building knowledge and know-how in a constantly evolving sector such as that of digital payments.

Take things to the next level in our partnership