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The thousand forms of new payments

From invisible cards to smart POS. At the Salone dei Pagamenti the technology of money transfers, between virtual devices and old systems, is already covered by future innovation. The protagonists of this epochal transition are partaking in a very engaging exchange.

The winds of innovation are also affecting sectors that seemed impervious to technological innovations. «Until three years ago – says Enrico Febelli, general manager of N&TS GROUP – the world of automobiles and that of digital payments were light years away from each other. Today, however, thanks to our services it is possible to create solutions that offer car owners a series of prerogatives». Which? Enrico Sponza, FCA Bank’s new banking products development manager who uses N&TS GROUP software, says: «What we have seen is the rapid change in our relationship with cars, today progressively less owned and more and more used with flexible systems , such as car sharing or Netflix-style subscriptions. In this climate, we offer instant financing on all stages of the purchase, from booking to paying off, in just three minutes. How do we do it? With a range of tools examined instantly, such as the anti-money laundering ID, the Spid or access to one’s bank account”.

Le mille forme dei nuovi pagamenti (